
2022 ITSO AP

Executive Secretary addresses the Assembly of Parties of ITSO

The Executive Secretary of EUTELSAT IGO Mr Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski attended as guest the 40th meeting of the Assembly of Parties of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) in Washington DC (USA).


At the opening of the meeting, he addressed the delegates and stressed the importance of maintaining an ongoing and fruitful cooperation between satellite intergovernmental organisations. He expressed his confidence that Parties would consolidate the mission of ITSO given the public roots of spectrum allocation which prevailed at the establishment of our satellite organisations.


Important deliberations regarding the past, present and future role of ITSO took place during the meeting. The Assembly re-elected Mr Patrick Masambu as Director General of ITSO and agreed to the creation of two working groups on the protection of the common heritage and on means to improve the resilience of ITSO vis a vis Intelsat and the Notifying Administrations.


In a spirit of consensus and collaboration, all participants, representing more than 80 Parties to the ITSO Agreement, contributed to the reinforcement of ITSO and to making this meeting a success.


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